Senin, 05 April 2010

Attacking with 1 e4: Attacking with 1 e4 - easy-to-learn system against all of Black's possible defences,

Attacking with 1 e4: Attacking with 1 e4 - easy-to-learn system against all of Black's possible defences, by John Emms

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Attacking with 1 e4: Attacking with 1 e4 - easy-to-learn system against all of Black's possible defences, by John Emms

Attacking with 1 e4: Attacking with 1 e4 - easy-to-learn system against all of Black's possible defences, by John Emms

Attacking with 1 e4: Attacking with 1 e4 - easy-to-learn system against all of Black's possible defences, by John Emms

Download Ebook Attacking with 1 e4: Attacking with 1 e4 - easy-to-learn system against all of Black's possible defences, by John Emms

Tired of playing the same old openings? Worried about having to learn too much theory? Then these books are what you're looking for! All-new and attacking opening repertoires based on the moves 1 d4 and 1e4 are provided. Concentrating on constructing easy-to-learn systems against all of Black's possible defences, lines are chosen which are fun to play, easy to learn and will pose your unsuspecting opponent lots of problems.

Attacking with 1 e4: Attacking with 1 e4 - easy-to-learn system against all of Black's possible defences, by John Emms

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #242480 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-06-08
  • Released on: 2015-06-08
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Attacking with 1 e4: Attacking with 1 e4 - easy-to-learn system against all of Black's possible defences, by John Emms

From the Back Cover Fed up with having to learn so much theory? Struggling to keep up with all the latest developments? Then this book will be the answer to all your problems. Grandmaster John Emms offers a new arsenal of opening weapons with which to attack your unsuspecting opponents. Starting with the move 1 e4, the reader is armed with systems against all possible black defenses. In each case learning ideas is more important than memorizing long variations, so this repertoire should be ideal for players who don't have the luxury of being able to spend countless hours studying theory. Each line is easy to learn and play, but will still pose your opponent difficult problems to solve over the board. (6 1/4 x 9 1/4, 160 pages, b&w diagrams)

About the Author John Emms is one of Britain¿s strongest Grandmasters and is a member of the English national team. He has also carved out a reputation for being an excellent chess writer and has many works under his name. He is co-author of the very popular openings bible Nunn¿s Chess Openings.

Attacking with 1 e4: Attacking with 1 e4 - easy-to-learn system against all of Black's possible defences, by John Emms

Where to Download Attacking with 1 e4: Attacking with 1 e4 - easy-to-learn system against all of Black's possible defences, by John Emms

Most helpful customer reviews

37 of 38 people found the following review helpful. A great book for more experienced players. By J. Dight I am an amateur player (I would estimate my rating to be somewhere around 1800-1900) who like many players started off with 1 e4 as White, but I have been playing 1 c4 for quite a while now. I have had this book for a couple of years and didn't use it much, until recently when I decided I would like to try out more direct openings with White and got it out to see if 1 e4 might be suitable for me. Before I go into the specifics of the content, I'll mention that the overall quality of the product is good, with a nice glossy cover, quality paper and binding and clear print and diagrams, although there are a fair number of (largely excusable) typos.This is a repertoire book for White (Emms gives suggested lines to play as White against the various defences that Black can employ). Suggestions are given for all the main defences, as well as a few less used ones (1...Nc6, 1...b6 and 1...a6). Emms largely avoids main lines in an effort to avoid theory, but virtually all of his suggestions have a good pedigree and have been played by various World Champions at one time or another.The basic repertoire is as follows:-- Against the Sicilian, the closed variation (as played by Spassky): 2 Nc3, followed by a kingside fianchetto and generally gaining space on the kingside with an attack on the Black king's castled position.- Against 1...e5, the Bishop's Opening (played by Kasparov and Larsen): 2 Bc4, followed by Nc3, d3 and if possible f4-f5, with a large space advantage on the kingside and again a powerful attack if Black is careless, or else active piece play in the centre.- Against the French, the King's Indian Attack (Fischer's favourite): 2 d3, followed by Nf3, Nbd2, a kingside fianchetto and often e5 with a kingside attack.- Against the Caro-Kann, 2 c4, with the idea of transposing into a favourable Panov Attack (as played by Botvinnik) by delaying d2-d4.- Against the Pirc and Modern defences, the 150 Attack (played by Kasparov and Anand, amongst others): 2 d4, 3 Nc3, 4 Be3, with a possible Qd2 and Bh6 to exchange Black's defensive Bishop and h4-h5 with a massive kingside assault.- Against the Scandinavian, Emms recommends 3 Bb5+ against 2...Nf6, with a later d4 and c4 to build a big centre while avoiding the Portuguese Gambit. Against 2...Qxd5 and 3...Qa5, Emms' idea is to force a pawn weakness in Black's kingside with a later Ne4xf6.- Against the Alekhine, the solid but dangerous Exchange variation is recommended (c4 and d4, then exd6), as played by Alekhine and Fischer.The lines suggested for White are not the most aggressive available, but I think that the title of the book is quite justified - Emms has struck a nice balance between active and solid play here. Certainly Emms' effort to ensure that "Black has no easy way to reach a dull equality" has paid off. That was one of the gripes I had with playing 1 c4 in some lines, but all of the suggestions in this book at least reach complex positions with chances for both sides.The repertoire is presented in a 'variation by variation' layout, with one or two games mentioned for each minor Black sideline along the way. This is one of the better approaches to learning an opening in my opinion, even if it does take a little getting used to, and it enables the reader to easily look up lines from his own games to see where play diverged from the book. I am pleased to say that Emms is objective with his assessments, recognising that Black can achieve equality in some lines if he plays accurately, but also giving possible improvements of his own for White in these cases.Personally I like the suggested repertoire very much. I have found the lines quite quick and easy to learn, with understanding of ideas often being more important than knowledge of variations. They are solid yet dynamic, largely avoid deep theory and will give you positions which you will likely know better than your opponent.I should make a few things clear at this point however.Firstly, as I have said, although this book is called 'attacking with 1 e4', Emms has chosen objectively sound lines which have stood up to grandmaster scrutiny, so I'm afraid fans of wild 19th century gambit play are out of luck!Secondly, this book may not be suited to an absolute novice. While it provides a good and complete system for White, there is not a great deal of prose explaining the plans for both sides. Many lines are given without comment, just an assessment at the end. This is fine for seasoned players with a deeper understanding of the position, but beginners may well have difficulty understanding why a particular line given as better for White is so, or how to continue after the line in the book runs out.Thirdly, following the repertoire will land you in a wide range of different types of positions - closed, open, isolated queen's pawn, opposite side castling, etc. This is undoubtedly good for one's chess development in the long run, but some players may, for example, dislike playing closed positions, or have a particular aversion to taking on an IQP. In this case they may prefer to pick only the lines that suit them. If you hate playing the King's Indian Attack, by all means play 2 d4 against the French, but stick to the Bishop's Opening if you don't like the Ruy Lopez! In my case the 150 Attack is a bit sharp for my liking, so I prefer to play 2 Nc3 and then either play the Classical or the Fianchetto variation, or transpose into a Closed Sicilian after 2...c5.Emms covers the Closed Sicilian, the Bishop's Opening and the King's Indian Attack in particular depth, so even if you only want to play one of these lines, this book is well worth a look. The only (tiny) hole I have found in the repertoire thus far is in the main line of the Scandinavian, where I believe Black can avoid Emms' suggested Ne4xf6, weakening Black's kingside, by delaying ...Nf6 until ...c6, ...Bf5 and ...e6 have been played, making it more difficult for White to make progress. But of course White still gets the more active position with best play.All in all then, an excellent book, and sufficiently comprehensive for most amateur players. I recommend that anyone who plays, or is thinking of playing 1 e4 at least take a look at this book, even if you think you know your stuff already! A little bit more prose would make this a definite 5 star book, but as it is it's a high 4. For a 5 star repertoire book, have a look at Tony Kosten's 'The Dynamic English' - but sadly that covers 1 c4, not 1 e4! :-)

30 of 34 people found the following review helpful. Must have for Black / White and at a bargain price. By Igor Khmelnitsky OK, you have a good lines against the "normal" openings - Rui Lopez, Sicilian, French, so you maybe second guessing why purchase book that recommend 1.e4 e5 2.Bc4!? or 1.e4 c5 2.Nc3 or 1. e4 e6 2.d3. Then consider this - how comfortable you are playing against the Scandinav (1.e4 d5) or Alekhine Defense (1.e4 Nf6) or Pirc and other non-common lines. For just a few bucks you get advise from well known GM. Moreover, he puts it together on the "Golden Plate" with the repertoire structure, which I have found by far more preferable than annotated sample games structure that other authors use.Let's say your White repertuar is rock solid, what do you play against e4 as Black? Wouldn't you want to know what your future opponent (who is reading this book right this minute) will play against you?My friends and foes know that I have reached my level, won many tournaments and have beaten several elite GMs without solid openings. So when few days ago my student, who is preparing to battle for $10,000 top prize at the World Open, was showing me his line against 1.e4, he was shocked when, instead of usual high level strategic questions, I pulled the Emms book and said what about this Emms recommendation. Well, you probably guessed -he got the book and now playes another line, where Emms comments were less clear.I didn't give the book maximum stars, because Emms doesn't provide sufficient recommendations. In many instances he simply says White is better or slightly better. You will have to figure out on your own, what the plan should be.Overall, very cheap book for a volume of opening preparation you get. Remember to practice your lines against "Fritz", before playing expert Fritzman next Sunday.Copyrighted by me!

16 of 17 people found the following review helpful. Just a great book By A Customer The repertoire in this book is perfect for me, and may be for you too. At first, I only used a couple of the suggestions, but over time, I am using all of them. They all make sense for the club player who does not want to play 1. d4 ( I hate that Benoni/Benko stuff), but who does not want to go into the main lines of the Sicilian, etc., in which your opponent will always have his pet line ready, which he will know better than you. These lines are not the most aggressive, but they are not passive either. The Closed Sicilian and the King's Indian Attack (against the French) are examples of this. The book has one huge advantage over most Everyman opening books: there is one comprehensive index at the back, instead of the ridiculous practice of putting the indexes for each chapter at the end of that chapter. This is the variations format, and is very thorough, there are no complete games. You may wish to supplement openings with specialized books, but it is not absolutely necessary. In each of these lines, you will know the line better than your opponent. You decide which way the game will go. So much of opening play is like that: who is dictating the opening? By playing 1. e4 white dictates, but by playing 1... c5 black dictates Sicilian, but by playing 2. Nc3 white again dictates, whereas by 2. Nf3 black continues to dictate choice of opening. This is a book you can have handy for games on-line and is very useful. This one book can give you one-third of a repertoire (personally, the other 2/3 for me are queen's gambit accepted and Scandinavian, and Aagaard's "Meeting 1. d4" for my responses to other white openings (1. Nf3, etc.)). Great book by Emms!

See all 14 customer reviews... Attacking with 1 e4: Attacking with 1 e4 - easy-to-learn system against all of Black's possible defences, by John Emms

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Attacking with 1 e4: Attacking with 1 e4 - easy-to-learn system against all of Black's possible defences, by John Emms Kindle

Attacking with 1 e4: Attacking with 1 e4 - easy-to-learn system against all of Black's possible defences, by John Emms

Attacking with 1 e4: Attacking with 1 e4 - easy-to-learn system against all of Black's possible defences, by John Emms

Attacking with 1 e4: Attacking with 1 e4 - easy-to-learn system against all of Black's possible defences, by John Emms
Attacking with 1 e4: Attacking with 1 e4 - easy-to-learn system against all of Black's possible defences, by John Emms

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