Richard III, by William Shakespeare
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Richard III, by William Shakespeare
PDF Ebook Online Richard III, by William Shakespeare
Richard III is a history play by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written in approximately 1591. The play is an unflattering depiction of the short reign of Richard III of England. While generally classified as a history, as grouped in the First Folio, the play is sometimes called a tragedy (as in the first quarto). It picks up the story from Henry VI, Part 3 and concludes the historical series that stretches back to Richard II.
Richard III, by William Shakespeare- Amazon Sales Rank: #1356503 in eBooks
- Published on: 2015-06-06
- Released on: 2015-06-06
- Format: Kindle eBook
About the Author Thomas Cartelli is professor of English and Film Studies at Muhlenberg College in Allentown, Pennsylvania. He is the author of Repositioning Shakespeare: National Formations, Postcolonial Appropriations; Marlowe, Shakespeare, and the Economy of Theatrical Experience, and coauthor of New Wave Shakespeare on Screen. His essays appear in The Cambridge Companion to Christopher Marlowe; Shakespeare the Movie II; and A Blackwell Companion to Shakespeare, among others.
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12 of 13 people found the following review helpful. THE FIRST RESOURCE TO TURN TO ALWAYS FOR ENGLISH LITERATURE IS NORTON CRITICAL EDITIONS, AND THIS FOR RICHARD III By Love Thy.Enemy Norton Critical Editions has long been the first resource to tap for English language Literature. For interpretation cum primary sources we might prefer the recent The Oxford Shakespeare: The Tragedy of King Richard III (Oxford World's Classics: the Oxford Shakespeare), referenced here in the Norton, in fact, and we might also find further along the shelf the King Richard III (Arden Shakespeare: Second Series), but we always know the Norton will be quite comprehensive and the highest quality of the academic as opposed to the polemic.And in this very recent release from Norton we find no variation from this reputation. The primary sources in themselves are worthwhile to have between one cover in order to avoid disturbing your academic librarian while clodding across the oak floors.From the section here on primary sources and analogues we discover of course an extensive excerpt (over thirty large pages) from Saint Thomas More's The History Of King Richard The Third, with the interesting story of how More came to record this gruesome history. From More we receive the deformed figure of Richard as well.Let us note in passing that the cover of this edition does not bear the usual painting from the past we have come to expect, but a photo of Al Pacino in full regalia from his Looking for Richard, and we realize, as with Richard III, these actors are far too old. Such a one could never seduce the fair queen over the very corpse of her husband! Even Olivier in Richard III with Laurence Olivier (Import Edition) may be a bit too far gone, and stiff. Nevertheless the Pacino of Dog Day Afternoon just might have worked!Forgive that digression, please. Under sources of course we also find Fabyan's New Chronicles of 1516, and Edward Hall's 1548 Union, as well of course as more direct source material for Mr. Shakespeare such as the Mirror for Magistrates from 1559 and the True Tragedie of 1594The 1700 adaptation by Cibber which misrepresented the play for hundreds of years is also presented for comparison's sake. The history of stage critics take on various actor's presentation of King Richard follows, including George Bernard Shaw on Henry Irving's Richard. Several other articles in this section examine the history of interpreting Richard III fomr the earliest stagings through the latest film, including Olivier and Ian MacLellan.The history of criticism of the play in itself is also presented, beginning with William Richardson and Edward Dowden through Wilbur Sanders. E. Pearlman discusses the Invention of Richard of Gloucester and Linda Charnes adds an excerpt from her Belaboring the Obvious: Reading the Monstrous Body of King Richard III. Katherine Maus handles Myself Alone: Richard III as Stage Machiavel; Ian Moulton, drawing from 'A Monster Great Deformed' discusses the Unruly Masculinity of Richard III, while Harry Berger, Jr. writes a piece original to this edition entitled Conscience and Complicity in Richard III.As you can see this is a very comprehensive book, closing with a four page bibliography in print as tiny as legal notices in the newspaper. The text of the play itself takes about 105 pages, with textual variants held for the end. Each page of the play includes a few explanations of unfamiliar terms, etc.The seven page preface by the editor Thomas Cartelli traces the sources of the text, the history through several editors since Shakespeare, and places it within the context of the other Historical plays of Henries and the War of the Roses.Cartelli alters past practice in choosing to rely upon the first Quarto version, and explains well this decision, with occasional reference to the first (and only) Folio when the Quarto's terms are unclear, misprinted or omitted. Richard III was so popular a play in the time of Shakespeare that its Quarto editions run through eight versions altogether. Cartelli returns with good reason herein expressed to the original Quarto version.Thus you may discover here everything you wish to know about this disturbing play which has given us lines as famous as anything from Shakespeare's Sonnets (Arden Shakespeare: Third Series) or even Hamlet (Norton Critical Editions), in a format designed for the immediate playing of it without further adaptation (an event which could and has run well over four hours!).For further ideas from recent staging please see the well-illustrated and examined Richard III (Arden Shakespeare: Shakespeare at Stratford Series) which carries photographs and explanations of the history of staging Richard in Stratford up to our time.This is a play we need to see again now as we strive to recover from decades of Machiavellian politics and a long War of the Red and Blue Roses, as we come together as one people and one nation.
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Norton Guide By Old-Timer I was pleased with the very complete collection of information, which included Shakespeare's play, Sir Thomas More's history of the events surrounding the tragedy within the War of the Roses, and the inclusion of a history and review of the various stage plays and films.
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Definitely a great book, but then again Shakespeare always writes great ... By Arlene Torres Definitely a great book, but then again Shakespeare always writes great stories, except Romeo and Juliet, that one I didn't like.
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